Meetings and Conferences in Ouray, Colorado

Nestled in the heart of the San Juan Mountains, Ouray, 科罗拉多州为举办会议提供了一个令人惊叹的背景. With its charming small-town atmosphere, world-class accommodations, and a variety of venues to choose from, Ouray为任何活动提供独特而难忘的环境. 无论你是想召集你的团队参加一个小型的公司务虚会还是举办一个更大的会议, you'll find plenty of options to suit your needs.

Attendees can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and jeeping, 或者只是在网络或参加会议时欣赏令人惊叹的风景. 来体验科罗拉多州最好的地方,让您的下一次会议或会议在Ouray留下难忘的记忆.

Meeting Spaces

  • Ouray Main Street in the winter

    Alpine Bank - Ouray

    • Seating Capacity: 8-10

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • No Fees

    • No linens or tableware

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • No Alcohol Allowed

    • No Kitchen Facilities

    • Self Cleanup


  • Brick hotel in front of mountains

    Beaumont Hotel & Restaurant - Conference Room

    • Seating Capacity: 18-25

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • Kitchen Facilities - Catering service only

    970.325.7000 |

  • Brick hotel in front of mountains

    Beaumont Hotel & Restaurant - Grand Ball Room

    • Seating Capacity: 75-100

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • Kitchen Facilities - Catering service only

    970.325.7000 |

  • Brick hotel in front of mountains

    Beaumont Hotel & Restaurant - The Courtyard

    • Seating Capacity: 150

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • Kitchen Facilities - Catering service only

    970.325.7000 |

  • Ouray Main Street in the winter

    Calvary Community Church

    • Seating Capacity: 50

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • No Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • No Kitchen Facilities

    970.325.4049 |

  • Main street in ouray

    Citizens State Bank - Ouray

    • Seating Capacity: 55

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • No Usage Fees

    • No Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • No Kitchen Facilities

    • Self Cleanup

    970.325.4478 |

  • Chairs and tables in meeting room

    Community Center - San Juan Room

    • Seating Capacity: 125

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • Kitchen Facilities available

    • Self Cleanup

    970.325.7065 |

  • tables and chairs in big meeting room

    Community Center - Massard Room

    • Seating Capacity: 300

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • Kitchen Facilities available

    970.325.7065 |

  • Elks lodge in Ouray

    Elks Lodge

    • Seating Capacity: 150

    • Not ADA Accessible (Steps to get into building)

    • No AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • No Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • Kitchen Facilities available

    • Self Cleanup

    970.325.4510 |

  • Ouray Main Street in the winter

    Ouray Christian Fellowship

    • Seating Capacity: 60

    • Not ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • No Usage Fees

    • Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • No Alcohol Allowed

    • Kitchen Facilities

    • Self Cleanup


  • Ouray Main Street in the winter

    Ouray County Courthouse Boardroom

    • Seating Capacity: 31

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • No Usage Fees

    • No Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • No Alcohol Allowed

    • No Kitchen Facilities

    • Self Cleanup


  • Interior of restaurant with tables

    The Outlaw

    • Seating Capacity: 65

    • ADA Accessible to get in, restrooms are not

    • No AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • Kitchen Facilities for Outlaw catering

    970.318.2381 |

  • Bar and coffee lounge

    The Western Hotel

    • Seating Capacity: 150

    • ADA Accessible

    • No AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • No WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • No Kitchen Facilities


  • Exterior of white and blue opera house

    The Wright Opera House

    • Seating Capacity: 120

    • ADA Accessible

    • Full Sound & AV Equipment Available

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • Linens Available

    • No Tableware Available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi Available

    • No Outside Alcohol Allowed (Bar Available)

    • Limited Kitchen Facilities Available


  • Arial of twin peaks hot spring and hotel

    Twin Peaks Lodge - Conference Room

    • Seating Capacity: 30

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • Kitchen Facilities - Catering service only


  • Arial of twin peaks hot spring and hotel

    Twin Peaks Lodge - Courtyard

    • Seating Capacity: 300

    • ADA Accessible

    • AV Equipment

    • Restrooms

    • Usage Fees

    • Linens / tableware available

    • Electric Outlets

    • WiFi

    • Alcohol Allowed

    • Kitchen Facilities - Catering service only


San Juan Meeting Room

圣胡安房间是一个温暖而诱人的房间,有许多窗户和木地板. 它举办了许多婚礼招待会,生日聚会,会议和静修. 它还提供了一个小厨房区,适合简单的饭菜和饮料设置. We offer a variety of tables, folding chairs, linens, as well as audio/visual equipment, so the room can be set up to your specifications. 房间最多可容纳150人,是亲密聚会的理想场所.  

Citizens State Bank

Ouray公共图书馆是该地区远程工作者的热门目的地, 多亏了宁静的氛围和可靠的高速网络. With its comfortable seating areas, ample natural light, and quiet study rooms, 图书馆为那些想要从家庭办公室或共同工作空间中改变风景的人提供了理想的工作空间. 远程工作者可以利用图书馆丰富的藏书, magazines, and online resources, 以及乐于助人的员工,他们总是可以提供帮助. In addition, the library offers access to printing, scanning, and copying services, 使它成为一个方便的一站式商店,满足所有与工作相关的需求. 拥有温馨的环境和先进的设施, Ouray公共图书馆是远程工作者寻找高效和鼓舞人心的工作空间的绝佳选择.

Other Space Ideas

Massard Room

马萨德房间是欧瑞会议中最大的房间 & Community Center. 它是举办大型活动的完美空间,可以容纳300多人. Over the years, it has hosted numerous wedding receptions, dances, school functions, community presentations, political debates, and non-profit fundraisers. 这是一个非常多功能的房间,为您的活动提供许多选择. 酒店设有设备齐全的商用厨房,提供方便的餐饮服务. We offer a variety of tables, folding chairs, linens, as well as audio/visual equipment, so the room can be set up to your specifications.

The Wright Opera House

The historic Wright Opera House, located in the heart of downtown Ouray, Colorado, 提供一个独特的和优雅的场地举办会议或会议. Originally built in 1888, 赖特歌剧院经过了漂亮的修复和现代化,在保留其历史魅力的同时提供了最先进的设施. With its grand stage, high ceilings, and ornate decor, 剧院为展示和演讲提供了引人注目的背景, 而宽敞的阳台和亲密的会议室为分组会议或小型聚会提供了充足的选择. 场馆配备了最新的视听设备和高速互联网, and catering services can be arranged to suit your needs. 与会者还可以利用附近的许多商店, restaurants, and outdoor activities, 使赖特歌剧院成为工作和娱乐的理想场所. Whether you're hosting a corporate retreat, training session, or industry conference, 莱特歌剧院提供独一无二的体验,将给您的客人留下持久的印象.

Ouray Brewery

全年,Ouray啤酒厂可以容纳18-24岁和30-35岁的团体. 你需要提前打电话询问你想要的位置. Rooftop, second floor, or ground level.

Available October 1 - June 1

607 Main St, Ouray, CO 81427

(970) 325-7388

Elevate Weddings and Events

Elevation Weddings and Events, known for orchestrating unique Colorado mountain weddings, 将其定制的规划服务扩展到企业静修,同样注重细节和创造难忘体验的热情. 拥有超过18年的策划众多活动的经验,包括公司聚会和非营利筹款活动, 海拔婚礼和事件熟练工艺个性化的事件在风景如画的圣胡安山脉, 在令人惊叹的景观中提供专业发展和团队建设活动的无缝融合. 高地婚礼和活动确保每个撤退反映公司的文化和目标, 以环保为核心的运作. 他们致力于可持续发展,并有能力在奢华与自然环境之间创造和谐的平衡,这使他们成为寻求超越传统的企业休闲场所的理想合作伙伴, fostering an atmosphere of growth, collaboration, and renewal in the great outdoors.

Ouray Adventure Center


We treat our OAC members like family. Our members have free access to the space, 其中包括高速互联网和有利于提高工作效率的鼓舞人心的氛围. Join our gym today!


对于非会员的访客,我们提供20美元的临时费用. 这笔费用可以让您享受安静的空间和高速互联网一天, as well as access to the rest of our facility. 这包括我们的抱石馆,这是一个很好的方式来休息和刷新你的头脑.


您的组织是否正在寻找一个有投影仪和高速互联网的异地会议场所? Look no further! OAC可以在我们的联合办公室内舒适地容纳大约12人. Email: for more information.

More Information for Events, Meetings, Conferences

Liquor, 未经事先申请特别活动许可证,不得在公众活动中出售或赠送葡萄酒或啤酒. Such a permit can also be obtained from the  CITY DEPUTY CLERK/TREASURER. 提前计划是很重要的,因为这个过程至少需要六(6)周的时间才能获得国家许可委员会的批准. CLICK HERE for more information. Application listed below.

如货品将于活动期间出售,是否已申请小贩许可证?  CLICK HERE for more information. Application listed below.